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A History of the AKC
Point Schedules

The following information was provided by the AKC.

The concept of a point schedule arose around 1900.
Before that Championships were based on earning a specified
number of wins in the Open Class, regardless of the number of dogs
in competition. The early schedules were not broken down by
breed, and set total numbers of dogs in competition for each point

The rule to limit majors to 18% of the shows came about in the 1920's.
Though there was a single schedule for all breeds and sexes, and
areas of the country. In the 1930's the country was divided into
4 Divisions. The change to having different point schedules for
dogs and bitches occured in the 1950's.

The last major change in the schedule was in 1989 when the
continental US was divided into 9 divisions from the previous 4.
The divisions were set so that there was
a minimum of 100 all breed shows in every division.




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